
We turned $1,250/month budget into $162,249 in revenue 

Over a 12 month period our eCommerce Accelerator built long term results for Sassind Melbourne.

Results Snapshot


Increased Sessions from Social Media


Increased Conversion Rate


Increased Conversion Value

Sassind Melbourne

For the traveller, the day dreamer and the home body – Sassind’s provides luxury loungewear based on a slow fashion model, responisbly sourced natural fibres combined with timeless style. We instantly felt we were a great match to provide social media ads for such a thoughtful brand.

The Problem

With steady email and influencer marketing campaigns in action Sassind were looking to expand their paid social marketing and increase revenue. Beginning with a conservative approach they implemented an automated paid social media ads service which returned a modest x4 ROAS.

Realising the potential but not satisfied with the automated system’s results they approach Fletch Digital.

The Strategy

Our approach was to apply the Fletch Method to generate website traffic, increase product views and refine the retargeting process to increase sales while keeping the cost per sale low.

With 4 seasonal release per year each campaign focuses on a launch video split to a cold audience to build awareness and generate website traffic. The warm audience strategy draws from views of the season launch video, website traffic that had not viewed products and most importantly the organic social media engagement audience.

Facebook Ad example
Facebook Ad example
Facebook Ad example

The Results

x10.36 return on ad spend (ROAS) from July 2019 to July 2020.

The majority of conversions are generated at the mid-funnel level while the dynamic product retargeting strategy completes the bottom funnel conversions by effectively serving dynamic product ads (DPAs).


Increased Sessions from Social Media


Increased Conversion Rate


Increased Conversion Value

We have used Todd and Alex in many different capacities over a period of more than 2 years now. They are innovative, honest, hard working, and have a ‘can do’ attitude that makes working with them an absolute pleasure.  This has been highlighted over the past months of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Going into an unpredictable retail climate they were quick to adapt, and have achieved outstanding results with an excellent return on ad spend. They are also very generous with their knowledge, and are quick to step in and help in areas of our business that they are not responsible for. We cannot recommend highly enough.

Tamara Ryan

Director / Co-Founder, Sassind Melbourne (Fashion E-commerce)


Leveraging advanced targeting strategies coupled with effective creative and copywriting I can help you achieve your digital advertising goals.

Todd Austin

Co-Founder / Digital Marketing Strategist, Fletch Digital